How to properly maintain the pneumatic edge welding machine?
The daily use of edge welding machine, not only the correct selection and use of edge welding machine, but also the appropriate maintenance method is also very important. Let's take a look at the relevant instructions on the maintenance method of the edge welding machine.
1. It is necessary to use a file to sharpen the electrode cap of the edge welding machine. The purpose of this is to maintain the smoothness of the electrode cap of the high temperature fan and ensure the quality of the solder joints.
2. After each use of the edge welder, it is necessary to clear the residue on the spot welder. The residue on the side welder may reduce the welding current and damage the equipment. It is necessary to refuel the lubricator regularly to keep the oil level within the required range, and to release the dust in the air filter.
3. Every time you use the edge welding machine, you need to check the usage of water pipes and air pipes, and whether the barometer is working normally. To check the switch handle of the side welding machine, whether the screw of the internal travel switch is tightened.
4. It is also necessary to check whether the solenoid valve of the edge welding machine is normal. If there is a problem, it should be solved in time.